Lead Yourself First

{{16 October 2022}}

"My favorite adventure is life" — Akash V. Sharma

I see the world around
& people in my way
Speaking is a knack they got
& a lot they have to say
So much do they analyze
& wonder they convey
It’s so noisy all over
like the drove’s bray

Everyone sounds superior
in heart with a desire
“Listen to all i have to say,
What a wisdom i acquire.”
Futile is the attempt you made
if your words dint inspire
Let me tell you few things
For leadership you require

A fool unveils all he knows
With sense in absolute blur
He majors in minor things,
His talks are like slur
A wise man knows what he says
& understands you, Sir!
Composure is his deep within
A leader’s Good Listner

All claim to be honest here
Have character & dignity
Sweeter than sweets are spiel they do
like that of a flirty
Condemning you in your absense
& making relation dirty
Their actions are quite different
From all good that you see

A leader is symbol of truth
In heart resides purity
Disciplined is his acts and words
& manner shows surety
Your honor means his pride
He alone makes majority
Faith & Humility are not only ideals
His royalty holds Integrity

A lot of people waste time
imposing their cognition
To be heard and being followed
is their only ambition
Hitting people over the head is
Job profile of their position
Exploiting people for them is a tool
& using it is life’s daily mission

People ain’t as fool as you think
Sooner they learn sedition
Threads, coercion & art of yelling
Now an old tradition
Let me introduce a remarkable virtue
For leadership’s called nutrition
Adopting it will make you feel
like an elite magician

He welcomes unlike ideas
& let go of superstition
His presence is like that of an angel
Wherein creativity gets ignition
Acting beyond managing people
& No craving for recognition
Taking them where they want to be
is his ultimate mission

His tools are quite different
Which make work fun
He believes in winning hearts
With love, attitude & passion
Dealing in hope with a purpose in mind
Based on genuine reason
To make this world a better place
A leader has Vision

Some words might have hurt you
But don’t wish to incense
I know you are sane enough
To act above defense
Any position is worthless
At your people’s expense
Now is the right time
to make a new commence

Neither you control people’s mind
Nor you try to win
Stop bothering to have supporters
First you have to begin
A leader climbs his own mountain
& solitude is his kin
The greatest victory worth making
will take place within

A leader comes alive
if your deeds are just
Any common man turns into leader
If enriching lives is his thirst
A true leader leaves behind
The legacy of trust
Begin right now
& You shall be followed

Lead Yourself First…………. Lead Yourself First…………. Lead Yourself First………….

{{Akash V. Sharma}}
Founder of Motivate Mee, Life Simplifier.

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