My Favourite Adventure Is Life.

If you regard life. It rewards you.

Know My Journey

From folly to Wisdom From No More to Once More
Since my childhood, my dominant struggles were with ignorance, poor self-image, fears, and the darkness of my path. And my greatest gifts were my artistic nature, my craze, and my passion. The childlike wonder in my heart that I could survive, the undying urge for learning and change, and the power of initiative that I always wanted to embrace led me out of the crowd. In spite of a humble beginning, I always found climbing inner mountains, overcoming setbacks, and being my truest version far more exciting than the prevailing influence of money in society. I happened to be an awkward-looking boy with flabby body parts, living and trying to relish life through the heartrending taunts of the surrounding. “You are good for nothing.” “You would never do anything worthy in life.” “Better keep your mouth shut.” owned a big share in the challenges I meant to overcome. Although I completed my education fairly well but living life without a kick seemed to be meaningless. So, How I transcended my challenges, What turning points became the game-changer, who were the people to act as pathfinders, what keys I discovered to unlock my Ever Youth Formula, and What is my BIG WHY behind this magnificent vision of Motivate Mee, How I could plant the seeds of integrity in my mind. There is so much more that made my life heroic and adventurous. I invite you to read further….

Book me to speak

My powers as a speaker get multiplied when I meet an audience with a receptive mind and learning attitude. I believe in being a natural performer and delivering my natural best. So I have trained myself to be a spontaneous performer. I just love doing it. I strongly believe, “Who we are and the way we live inspires more than what we speak. Our words are powerless without reflection and introspection.” So I assume a big responsibility for my actions and words. This is what keeps me devoted to a never stop learning attitude and delivering my best from my core values. I also love to explore new horizons of learning so I embrace new topics too for my talks. Speaking my heart out with a beautiful audience brings me the kind of fulfillment and actualization I always seek. I do it with my truest passion and greatest wisdom. I always believe in leaving my audience a better version than I found them.

book me to speak



 Head Office
626/2 Rama Enclave, Samrat Lodge Lane, Bulandshahr (U.P)- 203001

 +91 7895018444

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Monday - Friday: 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Saturday: 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM

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